01 March 2007

Speedbumps and Spiggots

A couple updates that I have forgotten, but that are pretty monumental, I must say:

First, aguacates (avocados) have arrived! Granted, you could have bought them at Supermaxi long ago, but Monica promised to buy them from the guy who sells his fruit on the speedbump outside our subdivision and he just got some in last week. Hooray for aguacates y guacamole!

Secondly, if you're reading Katrina's blog, this won't be news to you, but if not, it's life-changning news for me! I was just asked by my host mom 3 nights ago if I had figured out how to get hot water yet. I have no idea how she knew I hadn't (that's right, 35 days of cold showers), but she taught me the trick--you have to have the pressure so insanely low that it takes forEVER to get the soap suds off, but you do get scalding hot water! Even from the one single tap that says 'cold' (and no, not fria, strangely enough!)! So for two mornings now I have adjusted the pressure-to-heat ratio until it was just right, and I think I come out about even on water usage. Fast, high pressure cold showers versus longer, low pressure hot showers. I'm not sure which is more environmentally friendly, but I'll take the latter anyday!

1 comment:

Christie said...

I actually looked forward to my cold showers. But then again maybe you aren't sweating 24 hours a day... man Senegal was fantastic