05 March 2007

Human Impact on Ecosystems

Last night, though super fatigued and a bit sleep-deprived, I slept very little. Ya' know why? Because my fear of spiders, demonstrated by my killing of each one I've seen and been fast enough to swat, has now officially disrupted the ecosystem of my bedroom. In my first 24 days here, I killed 22 spiders. It then slowed down to a total of 29, and now...Now there are mosquitos, and lots of 'em. They buzz and they bite and they make you groggily swat your forehead like a crazy person without actually killing them. After about 5 restless hours of trying to cover my ears and my face and my arms, I think I slept about an hour and awoke to find three dead mosquitos on my pillow, one bite on my face, three on my hand, and one on my arm. Does this mean I have to go to bed with the spider still on my wall? Or can I just buy some bug spray?

1 comment:

Christie said...

Get a mosquito net crazy, then you can sleep peacefully. Just remember to not actually wrap yourself in that because apparently that isn't effective...