28 February 2007

Last one to get caught up

Alright folks, I'm weary of blogging. But yesterday did hold a few interesting events. In the morning Years 7-12 had the Juramento a la Bandera (Oath to the Flag) in which the year 7s are initiated into responsibility and citizenship or something and year 13s are pledging their lives to the country, because they used to soon go off and join the army. It's all for show and not taken too seriously here, but all the adults and parents take it very very seriously as a tradition to be done well. The ceremony, marches, oaths, and anthems were done well enough, and then one kid passed out. It was only 9:30 am, but the sun was pretty strong. And then, another passed out! And then, one by one, EIGHT kids from year 6 (who weren't even in the ceremony, but just watching) proceeded to pass out. 4 were eventually taken to the hospital (though rumor has it at least 2 were faking) and 2 were given sueros (iv fluids). It's the treatment of choice here for anything, really. Vommiting? Suero. Neausea? Suero. Cold? Suero. You just don't feel well? We'll give you a suero and clear it right up. Seriously strange.

And after the morning's drama, in the afternoon none of the buses could arrive on time because the taxis had bloquaded the road one town over. They eventually arrived from long detours, but all extracurriculars were cancelled (as was our staff meeting-hooray!) and students were at school an extra half hour.

With my new found time, I first typed up half these recent blog postings, then went home and listened to music all night with Monica who gets this funny reminiscent look on her face as she sways and sings along with all her favorite romantic music singers. Blah, I can only handle so much crooning and wooing before I need some percussion!

And then there's today, which saw me finally do some teaching! I had Year 12 as usual, then I took over Year 11 because John had to take his daughter to the hospital for a suero (no joke this time--she's actually dehydrated from parasitic infections). And I finished the day with Year 10, for which I am now officially responsible. Hooray for responsibility! (wow, who ever thought I'd say that?!)

So now I will leave you all to get caught up on the reading and commenting of these many long posts!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hola Karla,
Hace ya una eternidad desde la ultima vez que tuve contacto contigo. acabo de leer tu correo sobre reciclaje y que me alegra saber que hay alguien haciendo algo en pro del medio ambiente.
Sabes, cuando lei tu historia "last one to get caught up" literalmente me mate de la risa, ?por que? pues porque tienes tanta razon, en El Salvador es lo mismo, hasta me imagino a los/as doctores/as pronunciando las palabras "suero, suero, suero, suero" hasta el cansancio. Ja, jajajajajajjaja.
Por otra parte no puedo negarte que da envidia de la buena el ver todas las cosas interesantes que estas haciendo alli.
Yo por mi parte estoy ensenando primer ano de biologia general a estudiantes de 10mo grado. Hasta ahora me va casi como esperaba: con altos y bajos pero ahi voy. Hoy es jueves asi que estoy super contenta de poder ver a los demas del cohort. Yeah for adult conversations!

Besos y abrazos,