09 March 2007

Comentarios y Pensamientos del Desfile de Moda

Yesterday Monica told me that I should go to Ventura Mall (where Monica and Jairo have a shoestore) to watch the desfile....in honor of International Women's Day. I clearly didn't hear all of her words, and that left me really curious as to how and why one would have a parade in a mall! But I just thought I'd be in for a curious display of Latin American culture. Yeah, turns out it was a desfile de moda--a fashion show! And it was really quite fancy, with bows tied around all the chairs, roses handed out at the entrance, and live music at the beginning! It was pretty fun to feel the excitement of the fashion runway, and it was a pretty clever marketing idea for all the stores in the mall who contributed their merchandise for the models to display. My favorite part, though, was when a model would come out with the tags clearly visible, hanging from her sleeve or from her purse!

They started off with kids who were really cute, and some of the girls really had the runway attitude, to the point of seriously over-exaggerating the hip strut...which made them all the more cute! Later were the teens/adults, with men being sadly under-represented (after all, isn't it a day for the ladies? Come on, now.) And I always wondered why the models always look angry or apathetic. Well, it's because if they smile the whole time like one of the models did, it's even weirder and almost awkward. I don't know why that is, but I like the angry look now. All in all, it was a really enjoyable way to celebrate IWD, though I do feel like I should have focused more on the political/economic/violence prevention/equality aspects of th day, rather than the vanity/physical/feel-good aspects. Ah well, ¡así es la vida!


Katrina said...

Speaking of the mall, I went shopping yesterday and found a cute little Mongolian store. They had some nice silver rings and some bracelets and necklaces I thought you'd like. But I wanted your opinion, which would you use/wear more?

Special K said...

Ooh, I think they all tie (how's that for getting myself more gifts than you intended?). See, I have a lot of earrings, but I rarely have anything else to match. But if I have to vote, I think I'd say rings, then bracelets, because I have a pretty basic, though beloved, silver chain necklace.