30 March 2007

Easter Joy!!!

Well, farewell to all. I leave today for the border, and then tomorrow morning I cross over into the much-feared but well-worth-it land of Colombia! I seriously believe I'll be fine and safe and all (as usual), but just as I could be mugged or shot on the streets of Minneapolis or Quito, I may not return. I love you all, and maybe someday my host mom will ship your souvenirs back home! TOTALLY JOKING! I'm coming back, no worries.

It does make you think, though, about how so many days we take for granted our safety and comfort. Even if we did stop to think about the blessings of every day, we'd just assume that we'll see tomorrow. So I embrace this opportunity to evaluate my priorities and to truly learn to be grateful for every moment I'm given to undergo ventillation, circulation, and respiration (current year 10 curriculum); to see the clouds uncover the mountains, to see the sun to paint the sky, and to see my nasty foot rash disappear! I'm so grateful to be priviledged enough to be in this fabulous country traveling to places many will never see and know that family friends back home still love me and support me!

And because I can't count on having access to a computer for a few weeks, Happy Easter!

Christ is Risen!


Katrina said...


I'll miss you dear sister and your wonderful enthusiasm over our developing tradition of multiple morning services to celebrate our joy on Easter Sunday. Take notes on the sunrise and I'll tell you about mine as I walk around Hailar three times!

All my love,

Skippy said...

He is risen indeed!