18 March 2007

How sleep ruins perfectly good plans...

So, after leaving Maria Rosa's, I walked around much of Quito looking for better dancing shoes (why, oh why, did I leave those amazing target ones at home?!). See, I failed to mention that Xavier had invited me to the best salsa place in town Saturday night. I told him maybe, because I would have to rent a hotel (or pay taxi fare that is 2-3 times more), but I thought that maybe Sofy would want to come with me. So I finally found shoes (Pema--that's right, a chinese store's knockoff brand) and made it home to shower, eat, and tidy up my stuff. Sofy said she would like to go out, and I said I was going to take a nap. This was 5 p.m. folks. And I didn't hear a thing until 4 a.m. That's right--Sofy may have come in, Xavier may have called, it may have downpoured, but I am not to know these details because I was bien dormida. I was also muy confundida when I awoke in darkness and not wearing my pajamas (that's right--a different pair of sweatpants). So I went to the bathroom and went back to bed for another 4 hours! And after15 hours of sleep, I felt pretty good! I haven't been able to sleep that much since post-Winter Blast days in middle school! And now I have to wait at least a week to even think about dancing again. Chuta!


Katrina said...

You are so lucky! There's not a night that goes by without me awakening abruptly with a reminder of the size of my bed. You see, I'm not used to having edges or walls confining my sleep experience and it really hurts when you roll over and smack a wall or scares you out of sleep when you roll the other way and nearly fall off!

Special K said...

Hold on--I'm lamenting a missed night of dancing and you-re lamenting a huge bed?!? And not to rub it in, but I have a big double bed and I find it perfectly easy to stay on my half!

If it makes you feel better, though, I think I have fleas. No, seriously, I'm currently trying to self-diagnose the insane number of bites covering my body. Latin America sure isn't making me any more beautiful!

Christie said...

Que lastima!