27 March 2007

Random Realisations

--As the title suggests, it's becoming almost natural to use British spellings (though you don't want to know how many times it took me to get haemoglobin right)

--I dislike the squeak of green beans when chewed

--when a guy gets on the bus with a chicken under one arm and sits down next to you, it is impossible to not smile at the thought of how far from your own culture you are!

--I serisously love public transit (okay, more of an affirmation than a realisation)!

--there's a lot of public urination in South Quito

--After not hearing a single bachata for over two months, I was actually super excited when I heard "Hay una mujer, que domina mis sentidos" and that awful synthesized twangy guitar music (but please don't hold this over my head, XT!)

--Although I have no idea yet what kind of church is CENTI, Centro de Teoterapia Integral, the one-hour service a nice lady on the bus invited me to last night was fantastic! No one fell over from the Holy Spirit, the pastor (who had to be from the coast because his Spanish was sloppy) preached right from the Bible with no questionable interpretations, and the music was wonderful because we first moved aside all the chairs so we could dance as we sng and clapped! I was actually merengueing at some point in church! I will be returning, even though it's quite a long haul from Cununyacú.

--I really do love public transit!

--pennies have been made of 97.5% zinc and 2.5% copper for longer than I have been alive!

--the weird rash that developed last week after walking through the rushing stream that flowed down the flooded road as I walked to school has not gone away as I had hoped it would and now looks even more disgusting. (pic is from Saturday) Kinda detracts from the lovely french-tipped toenails, don't ya' think?

--I leave for Colombia in 4 days!!!

--Monica made banana bread today (sorry mom, I didn't get your recipe in time) and there's a piece downstairs waiting for me! Chao!


Katrina said...

What are you plans in Columbia? Is this the trip Amy's joining you on? Don't forget to look for wooden earrings!

Special K said...

In Colombia I plan on watching all the religious processions this one town is famous for during Holy Week, then dance it up in Cali and explore the colonialism of the capital Bogotá before returning for more processions and hopefully as many Easter services as I can pack in my day! I miss you Trin!

Amy's not joining me until May 16th, and I will certainly keep an eye out for wooden earrings, but for ME! Remember who has the first pair?!

Christie said...

My mom reads this blog and was no doubt horrified at the fact that you were sitting next to poultry... do you realize that you could have been exposed to bird flu??