27 July 2008

We're so old!

Friday night as I sat down to read my book, I was joined by Kelly and Carlo, my housemates here in Xela. We chatted, read, and listened to some great bluegrass songs Carlo had on his ipod, and we decided we're all really old. We're 23, 24, and 25, but we each chose to stay at home and read rather than go out dancing on a Friday night. We also chose to read over watching T.V (turns out the t.v. in my room DOES work once you plug it in! I had never even tried, but Carlo got me curious and it turns out I even have cable! I watched and solved one round of Spanish Wheel of Fortune where they use Euros instead of dollars, but then I turned it off and unplugged it!), which made me really happy. Lastly, there are a bunch of jigsaw puzzles in my room (their son's who is now in Spain) that I have been wanting to start, but not sure how weird that would be. I mentioned it to Kelly, and she also would love to put one together! I think tonight's the night. Yeah, we're old.


Anonymous said...

Hahahaha karla

23,24,25 are still very young ages.This is like a flower that is blossoming out from it shelf.I think when people are 65 and above, they know they are old.

Good luck to you girls at your young and youthful ages.Matured adults!

What an enjoyable site with lots of fun from all of you. I have learned so much about that country and people even without going there.

Your adventurous pictures are just so cute and facinating all the times. Pictures speak volumes in life than words.

Thanks a lot


Joanne said...

Does Jonathan know your Dad is over 65?

Anonymous said...

Hello Joanne

Oh My Gosh!!!!!

I did not know that Karla's Dad is above 65.This is not the type of coincidence I like or have been looking for. I was thinking more of my Dad in Cameroon.My apologies.This is what is called human error on my part.That part of us that sometimes tries to cap situations or define others as old or young! It is just the wrong approach on my part and I have to return to my original premise about the controversial subject of who should define old? Is it me or the other person? I am not getting into some philosophical discourse here ,yet.It is just time for some common sense and reason because I am trying to correct myself. I erred ,indeed because I know the truth and happen to have almost bought into pop culture!

No.Is old above 85 or above 100 ,hahahahahaha? You can't even tell a man or woman in her face that you are old even if she or he is 100. I learned about this while working with seniors.I should have remembered.Everybody is young at their own time and experience of life. In fact, being old is relative. 65 is the new 50 and 50 is the new 30. I just learned that this morning about musicians who are 50
and looking young as 30.

But we need to dig deeper into this stuff about old(ing). I always think that numbers don't count when we are talking about age.Some people really look old at their very young ages while others really appear very young with big numbers.It is increasing true that the human spirit and one's state of mind is a true reflection of how old we are.While in more practical terms, the way we keep ourselves fit,eat,exercise and handle life challenges can either add numbers on our natural birth numbers or substract from them.

Through out my life I have seen people who have proven to me beyond reasonable doubts that the question about either being old or aging rests with the individual and not with the society.If one chooses to be viewed as old or young that is up to them.

Perhaps one of the best ways to be young and defy being old is to have such a fun trip and activities outside one's comfort zone in the service of human kind.

Thank you so much Joanne for enabling me to reflect over this subject again, and to realise how sometimes one can be an imperfect human being.As we have always known,to err is human and to forgive is divine.

thanks for that question.


Special K said...

I would hope Daddy would agree that he IS old!

Joanne said...

Hello Jonathan,

Karla's Dad put me up to that and I'm sure he was kidding! I know he FEELS old many days. But I know there is still a little boy inside, too. We are truly NOT that sensitive. When I was in high school I thought 35 was old. What did I know? No offense taken, so you are completely forgiven!

Anonymous said...

Hello Joanne

Hahahaha I know you were kidding but I never like to talk about how old people are.I like to think how lifely and friendly and meaningful people are than how old they are.

Is just me. I like to reflect and write.I would n't think you "folks" or "guys' were too sensitive.I love jokes and cando, too.

I rather have Karla give me a piece of the large banana bread she is biting. Oh mine, I had to rush and look for a piece of bread when I saw Karla doing justice to that Pan .

Let me see if I even know how to prepare banana bread. I am not sure but I sure love banana bread.
Who will make banana bread for me?


