03 July 2008

Las Ruinas de Copán

Wee in the morning on Tuesday, we awoke and made our way to the place from which we would go horseback-riding. It was then that we found out that the 72-year old Honduran farmer who told us to set our watches forward (losing an hour) was not right at all. It was, in fact, 6 a.m. and we found ourselves with an hour to kill. Somehow we managed and then set off with me on Muñeca (Doll), Christie on Relámpago (Lightning), and Elizabeth on Princesa.

After a nice stroll past a beautiful river, shade coffee plantations, corn farms, and tobacco ovens, we arrived at a local village where we were persuaded into buying flowers and dolls made out of dyed cornhusks. We certainly didn´t need them, but the small children were so persuasive and it´s better than just giving the poor community money. We also bought scarves and a table runner from the local women´s weaving company before heading back to town.

Back in town, we took a tuk-tuk to the Copán ruins, which are large (and exorbitantly priced) Mayan temples and tunnels and hieroglyphics. They were impressively large and we could have easily stayed and hiked around for a bit longer, but after taking sufficient pictures atop each and every temple, we hurried back to town so we could catch the last bus to Tela, a beach town in our quest to get some sun.

We found an awesome hostal (meaning no cockroaches) with a hilarious old man named David keeping guard over the front desk--complete with a fake (though realistic-looking) gun!

We promplty went to bed, eager for the next day´s tour, and slept with fairly few bug bites!


SK said...

Karla! I'm enjoying reading your blog. It sounds like you're having a great time.

The indoor plants are doing well. As for the garden, the cucumbers are flowering, but the spinach might be dead.

Be safe. Have fun.
Sarah "the gardener"

Katrina said...

I hear you on the cockroach tangent! As I was reading this a centipede darted across my floor! I miss you!

Special K said...

I´m glad (and sad) to hear about the garden--keep up the good work!

That´s too bad about the centipede--I think they´re worse than spiders, but still not as bad as cockroaches!