15 July 2008

Shameful U.S. involvement in assassinations

After many much-needed hours of rest, we decided to forgo any plans involving strenuous physical exercise and just bus up to the capital, San Salvador. We first went to the artesanía market where we bought lots of good stuff, even though we really had no where to put it.

Then we went to the Universidad de CentroAmerica (la UCA) where they have a museum about Monseñor Oscar Romero. He was an archbishop in El Salvador who fought against the oligarchy for human rights and land reform. After burying many of his fellow priests, he was assassinated while giving mass in 1980. Although there is now much awareness of his and 75,000 others´unjust murders, no one has been charged with anything. Impunity reigns and all the evidence seems to not matter, even internationally. It´s shameful how much influence the U.S. had and still has in the dirty politics of El Salvador´s past, as well as how little any U.S.ans know of said history. I highly recommend the movie Romero, though it only scratches the surface of how bad the situation was for so long.

In a more optimistic note, we are all highly hopeful that theFMLN´s candidate Mauricio Funes will win the 2009 elections and begin to reform a broken country! Hasta la victoria siempre!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Karla

Wow, you have an incredible mix of adventures.You definitely love variety and diversity. I always remember that variety is the spice of life and that there is beauty in diversity.For one thing ,adventures are sometimes a very unpleasant experience.You will come back with a complete balance picture of the human condition.It is shaped by experience of reality in every place where you are opportuned to explore and celebrate.I am glad that all of you ladies have been well taken care of ins pite of some shortcomings.

Transporation is a big problem in third world countries.Taxi drivers are that way.They take advantage of tourists,visitors or strangers because they believe they have a lot of money.They expect more when they learn you are from the US.Just one of those realities to handle with patience because they are ignorant and feel that exploiting tourist will make them rich.Oh yes,if US ans are crying about gas prices, then it sucks to have that same prize in third world countries.We hope things change sooner than later.

I am particularly intrigued by your audacity to differ strongly with some aspects of US foreign policies.You are right that not too many "US ans" have the facts about what their government does overseas whether it is in El Savador or elswhere! It is shameful ,indeed what some governments do against their own people and I am always unsettled when I hear that the US Government has a hand in any dirty stuff out there in the world.We are supposed to be looking up to the US for guidance and clarity on sound principles and values of human dignity.When it happens otherwise, it brokes my heart and it is noble to never condone.Bravo to you for sounding this moral voice with such conviction and courage.May be you should run for congress some day ,Karla and change something,hahahahaha!

If you remember JC Ventura, the former Governor of MN, he appeared on Larry King Live( CNN) on Monday and during the exchanges about allegations that he would be an Independent candidate for Senate to compete against, Norm Coleman and Al Franken, in the course of that he said he would not run .Some of the reasons he gave were that while he was Governor, his family was attacked falsely by the media.He then said, the oceans and lakes don't lie but his government lies to him! It was interesting to listen to him speak out about the state of affairs in the country and world.Fact is, the US government and citizens should always seek to support and promote socio-political and economic activities that honor human dignity and lives in keeping with what transpires here in the US.There is so much on the face of this earth to the extent,which US interest in some of these countries, should not compromise our common humanity.

It is understandable that we live in an imperfect world.Must be take advantage of this outrageous imperfections? No, of course.I will like to learn more about what happened through that movie Romero.

Thanks for all your updates. As usual, always cute,insightful,detailed information and inspiring.

