27 April 2007

Two down, one to go!

At BSQ, the past two weeks since I've returned from Easter break have included an in-school Jazz concert, Family Fun Day, and most recently dissections! As previously described, Fun Day was pretty fun, and here's a pic of me, my tutor John, and his wife Nancy. She came with their two kids who are too cute, especially with their faces painted!

That took up all day Saturday, and the rest of the weekend I was making up a dissection guide for my Year 10 students. I got 5 cow hearts and two sheep heart and lungs (all fresh!). The cow hearts are as big as my head! I had never seen one before and had no idea they were so big! And the place said they couldn't send the lungs too because they would take up an insane amount of space. Just imagining that makes my eyes bug out. And when they began on Tuesday, it was a beautiful sight. This particular class is incredibly high-performing and generally interested in science, and their enthusiasm is a treat that I don't get very often. They were so into their external observations and figuring out where everything goes in and out that only one group actually started cutting after the 80 minutes! But it was so fun to hear their exclamations of discovery, as well as of "¡qué asco!" It was also hilarious to watch one of the kids inflate the sheep lungs by blowing into them through rubber tubing and hearing all the kids squeal in delight! But the best was that on the way out, four or five of them actually thanked me for letting them have this experience! How often do you hear THAT?! Just about never. And the next day they continued, but didn't finish due to their meticulous observations and explorations of every valve and tissue and chunk of fat. So I let them choose between being done or finishing next Wednesday even though the stench will be unbearable...and they chose the stench. One girl even offered to bring in nose plugs for everyone! So next Wednesday, the day my advisor comes, we will be fishing around in smelly, rotting animal tissue, and I could not be more excited! I LOVE dissections and I love that the kids love it, too! I'm just increasingly sad that I have to leave in one more week! Granted, I'm super excited to travel, but I love this stuff!

Last night I attended CENTI again, and loved it, and this afternoon I watched the Year 13 vs. Teachers fútbol match (we won 5-3) and I realised that I really do love fútbol! Especially on a small cancha (pitch), the action never ends! Why haven't I watched more of it on t.v.? Oh, that's right. We don't do fútbol in the states on standard channels. Ah well, it was fun, and now I've gotta get back to work on this silly portfolio that will most likely decide the route of my near future. Chao!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my dad would be so proud.
did you take the knife, and pretend your hand had a mind of it's own and was going to stab you to death? oh, dad.