21 April 2007

Conejitos galore!

For those dying to know every detail of my week, here are the most exciting details: When I returned last Saturday from the beach, there was a cage on the porch, and inside was a cute little bunny rabbit! Her name is Lolita and one of Sofia's friends gave it to her. Why? Not so sure. I have never randomly gotten an animal as a pet, but hey, it's cute. Why not? I immediately told them of my newly-learned clever usage of faeces of just putting the cage over the flowerbeds, and now we're doing just that!

Nothing but school and homework happened all week. See, I have this massive project that is basically the compliation of everything I've learned and practiced throughout my whole educational career that will not only prove to my professors that I've learned well, but it should prove to potential employers as well that they should take a chance on me and give me a job. And I just started on Monday. Way to go, Karla.

But Thursday I went up into Quito to attend a church service at CENTI. Remember that I had met a nice old lady on the bus who invited me to a great church with awesome danceable music and no scary theology? And then I went on vacation. But now that I'm back for three weeks, I will be attending the weekly women's service on Thursday nights. So I went and it was encouraging, convicting, and a great blessing. And the whole busride home I chatted with Edelina about her 6, I repeat SIX trips to Israel! She tried to convince me to go with my family, but I'm not sure how that one'll turn out. Either way, she is a really neat lady!

I must confess that I've watched a few hours of t.v. this week, mainly because the cold rain makes me unable to do anything but crawl into bed to get warm. And last night, after a week of more mental energy than I've exerted all semester, 2 hours of watching Orli laugh and cry and walk was the perfect way to forget all about life. [Sigh] Love him.

Back in the real world, the rain continued. All week. All night. All day. It did, miraculously, stop temporarily this morning for BSQ's Family Fun Day in which there were games and prizes and raffles and food. And an awesome obstacle course led by yours truly. It was just like doing VBS recreation again! Sans the plastic tarps stuck down with kitchen knives, of course. But soon enough there was just about enough water to make a slip-n-slide, so no one ran the course. I must admit, the slipperiness combined with hurdling objects while blindfolded would have most certainly induced some injuries. And it did give me a chance to eat lunch, but still. This rain is dreadful! And it's still raining now! You know how our saying is "April showers bring May flowers?" Yeah, well their saying is "in April, a thousand rains; in May, even more!"

Ah, but back to the bunnies--there were 6 of them being given away as prizes throughout the day. Two were grayish, but the other four were just like Marshamallow! Too cute!

So I'm off to make a few portfolio pages before I'm chilled to the bone and head back to my nice, warm bed. Chao!


Katrina said...

I'll go, I'll go! I really want to go to Israel!!! Actually, I'm thinking of moving there.

Special K said...

What?! Why?! Seriously? When?