28 February 2007

Last weekend’s Carnaval Activities…

were cancelled due to my fierce cold. Boo. I had planned on taking a 3-day tour of an organic farm near the beach. However, while I did get plenty of rest and watch a shameful amount of t.v., I did not just sit around for 4 days. Saturday I got to go with Monica and Jairito to visit her parents in south Quito. We went to a nearby mall to eat a food court lunch (I had an amazing fruit salad!), and after chatting at their home awhile, Monica, Jairito and I up to the highest point in the city, the Cima de la Libertad. It was at this point that freedom from Spain was won long ago, so there’s also a war museum el Templo de la Patria. But more than anything, the view is INCREÍBLE! You can see how long and densely populated Quito is, and it wasn’t too cloudy to see pretty far off in the distance. So that was the highlight of Saturday, and as mentioned earlier, I returned home to most likely watch more t.v. What has become of me here?!


Christie said...

You shouldnt be eating fruit salad!!

Joanne said...

Thank you, Christie! Ahem, Karla, did you get that? Mom

Special K said...

Why on earth not? Peel it or boil it, they say, and it was all peeled! (okay, well, come to think of it MOST of it was). At least this one was in a ritzy mall--I bougth a cup of fruit salad the other day in the market in downtown Quito. And neither time did I become enferma!