02 May 2007

Considerate Builder

So, as always when I see someone's personality quiz results, this evening I felt compelled to take the most recent 11-page quiz (thanks a lot, ñaña). As I read the results, I was struck by three things.

1. I have no idea what agency means, though apparently mine is low. So I looked it up and,
"Agency is how much you believe you determine your own outcomes. "
2. I agree with nearly everything the results tell me (scroll over each color). Could this possibly be because they're just rephrasing my very own answers to their questions? Nah.

3. The way they phrase the results are highly convincing, to the extent that if I were to lie horribly on the quiz and read the results, I am certain that my opinion and view of myself would change. The verdict of my report: "You are a Considerate Builder." Just listen to that. I don't even know what that means, but when I read these declarative words, I seriously picture myself thinking of others with a hammer in hand. And "Never one to be found in chic boutiques or trendy clothing stores, you take an extremely practical approach to getting dressed." While mainly true, now I can never enter the outlet BCBG again just to try on fancy dresses because these results have so strongly declared that I cannot be there! So either I've gotta go back and redo the 11 pages for how I WANT to think of myself, and thus learn to believe it, or I must accept these declarations as the truth, at least for now...until the next quiz comes along.

You are detail-oriented, cautious, and practical, making you a BUILDER.

You are excellent at focusing on the concrete, functional elements of things, so you're good at making things happen.

You're perceptive, down-to-earth, and realistic.

Although you may doubt yourself sometimes, you have the skills and the curiosity to pursue broader adventures.

You like to consider a lot of information before making big decisions, and you think about that information in realistic, thorough ways.

You don't concern yourself with flashy styles or surface appearances—you're far too sensible for that.

You tend to believe that things happen for a reason, and that not everything is under our control.

You trust others, care about them, and are slow to judge them, making you CONSIDERATE.

You enjoy exploring the world through observation, quietly watching others.

Relating to others so well, and understanding their emotions, leads you to trust people in general, even though you're somewhat shy and reserved at times.

Your belief that people are generally well-intentioned contributes to your sympathy regarding their problems.

Although you may not vocalize it often, you have an awareness of how society affects individuals, and you understand complex causes of people's behavior.

You like to look at all sides of a situation before making a judgment, particularly when that situation involves important things in other people's lives.


Katrina said...

No concern for 'flashy styles'? What about those overly large, themed earrings which occupied much of your time and jewelry box in middle school. And since Venezuela, you have returned to accessorising much more than me!

Apparently accessorising isn't a word. Not even spelled accessorizing. I use it in speech all the time though, so I'm adding it to my dictionary.

Special K said...

Yeah, we look back on most of my childhood with embarrassment, and from it we take many lessons in what not to do or wear. But hey, life's a learning process, right?

Anonymous said...


So, I took the same quiz and I'm a Considerate Thinker. Meaning...who knows what. At least we're considerate!

I have loooooooved reading your posts. It sounds like you're having the most amazing time ever. You are so brave to tackle so many new places (and foods). My favorite thing to do is play some Juan Louis Guerra while I read. That way I feel like I'm there.

Enjoy the rest of your adventures!


Anonymous said...

Karla, I just wanted to say that I am an Animated Leader. It sure its weird to see that because at this point I am facing the whole big world and feeling like curling up into a ball with fear.

Animated leader I am. I will convince myself of this.

Skippy said...

Well my dear Kar - I must tell you that mine says that i'm a considerate procrastinator! Ha!

Actually - I haven't taken the quiz yet as I don't want to stay up for 30 more minutes - but maybe tomorrow!!!!

Mitchell got his drivers license today. Oh my! No vehicle yet though - Oh well!!!

I trust Gallopagus (sp?) is great!

Oh, and... can't wait to see if i have low agency as well!

Be safe!

Katrina said...

Are you already traveling with Amy? Did anyone else decide to join you? I'm off to Shenyang for a week myself. I can't wait to see you in a month, but until then stay safe!