21 January 2007

What luxury! ¡Que lujo!

Wow. All I can say about my new home is that I will be living in a most luxurious of resorts for the next three months! My host family´s house is HUGE and kinda fancy (especially considering my classy tastes in decorations) and it´s situated right in the valley east of Quito, about 500 meters lower, and therefore slightly warmer. Monica and Jairo greeted my last night at the airport with flowers (which are insanely cheap here), so I couldn´t appreciate the scenery until I awoke this morning to sunny skies, birds chirping, and dogs barking. There´s also the occasional announcement over a moving loudspeaker, which is someone selling fruits from his truck. Ni modo, my favorite part of the house is still the porch with hammocks!

Lonch today, made by Jairo (who claims he doesn´t cook well) was delicious! We had pescado encocado, which is a coastal seafood dish in a yellow coconut sauce. I normally don´t like seafood or coconut, but it was fantastic! It was preceded by a chicken noodle soup similar to ours, and then it was served with rice and patacones (fried, thick slices of plátanos) and ensalada de tomates y aguacate (avocado). ¡Que rico! And the maracuyá (passion fruit) juice was amazing, too!

I also met the British chap, Jim, who lives in the apartment beneath the house, who is quite nice, though he doesn´t speak spanish. I hope to improve my language skills, but I´ve already spoken english with him and with Sofy, my host sister. Oh, and there is hope again! It turns out Sofy LOVES to go dancing, so we´ll go together and we´ll go often! Hooray for la salsa!

Oh yeah, I forgot about the view. It´s breath-taking, with green trees, flowers, mountains, volcanos, and currently lots of clouds (thought the sun shone in the morning enough for me to lie out on the steps and make some vitamin D)!


Joanne said...

I'm so glad you are happily adjusting to your new surroundings. They look very lovely! Thank your hosts for me and Dad. I've been singing an old song called "I sometimes feel like a Motherless child", but I changed the words a bit....Sometimes I feel like a childless mom......they're a loooong way from home! Much love,

Christie said...

That hammock is to dieeeeeee for! And that food sounds absolutely gourmet (I had raisin bran for dinner)! And that view... holy cow am I jealous and do I ever want to stay there for more than 2 weeks. good thing you brought three salsa dresses :) You will probably go more often than me! I like Eli's analogy too... this is unreal that you are there. Completely unreal.Can I have a pic of you in the scenery please so it becomes more real for me?

Christie said...


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