22 January 2007

Las Iglesias de Quito

I completely forgot many details of yesterday. First, We have six dogs. Four are hugely massive german shepherds that live out back and bark incessantly at any and all passers-by. The other two are very nice--Tin-Tin is mainly outdoors and only has one eye due to the kindly dogs out back, and Pelucita is a highly pampered poodle.
Secondly, there was a fabulous rainbow yesterday during the afternoon showers!

Thirdly, shortly after that, Mony and I drove up into Quito, first stopping in a posh shopping center where she had a cappuchino and I had mortifresa (combo of the fruits mortiña and raspberry) ice cream! That's right--in less than 24 hours in the country, I successfully located ice cream! ¡Que golosa soy yo! And, though not as cheap in the streets of Venezuela, it did come with whipping cream on top (not as sweet as in the states) as well as a melt-in-your-mouth baked cream (?) "suspiro" candy. Random, but tasty.

Then, we drove through el Centro Histórico de Quito and went church- and old building-hopping. I have no idea what all their names are, but will re-ask Mony. UNESCO designated Quito as the Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad and all the buildings in the Old Town are very colonial. It was fun, but I look forward to going back in the daytime, even though "the people swarm like ants" according to Mony!

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