06 June 2009

Summer Itinerary

Well friends, it's that time again. My students are gone and my wanderlust is in overdrive. So here's the plan for the summer (more or less):

June 12-14: New Berlin and Chicago: visit with parents, aunt, uncle, and cousins

June 16-19: Minneapolis: Lead a day camp for Latina moms through my church

June 21-July 3: Colorado to Arizona: Colorado River Trip class to complete my masters

July 7-15: New York City: visit Amy and tour the Big Apple

July 18-26: Iowa: bike 433.2 miles across the state in the RAGBRAI

July 27-August 17: Panama and Costa Rica: backpack through the countries sola and with
Christie, respectively

I'll be gone from the cities most of the summer, which is a bummer because I love summers in Minneapolis, but I guess all the other fabulous stuff will make up for it!

Stay tuned for updates about my upcoming travels, sure to be unique and exciting!


Mrs. Chaka said...

I was so happy to see the update! (Chaka set up a feed for me because I was so bad about remembering to check the blogs of those so dear to me.) We'll have to work out a time to get together while you're nearby.

Skippy said...

So, one down and five to go! I love the way you plan things out! I must say that your first event was muy bien in the eyes of this tia!! Te amo mucho :)

Katrina said...

How do you know you love summers in Minneapolis if you've never spent one here?